Word Matching


This Word Matching game lets kids match the picture to the word in a fun and immersive game format.

Word Matching games allows children to expand their vocabulary which helps promote language development. It also promotes visual literacy by testing how they can differentiate items from one another. General cognitive skills are also improved as they work through each level of Word Matching.

Word Matching is an ideal game for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd Grade students.

Discover Word Matching, a fun game where kids match pictures with words, improving language skills and visual understanding. It boosts mental abilities as they play through levels.

How to play:

Start the Game: Tap on the play button to start the game.

Start Word Matching: Start matching the words with the pictures displayed on the screen.

Connecting Dots: Drag your cursor from one red dot to another red dot to create the connection where you want them to link.

Building Vocabulary: Continue matching words to expand your vocabulary.

Score Time: Check the score board at the end of each activity.


Learning Priority: The goal is to learn not to finish

Alphabetical Trick: Note that each level has all the words starting from one same alphabet which make it less confusing.

Scoreboard Choice: While playing, you can choose whether or not to check the scoreboard without affecting your enjoyment of the game.

Progress Freely: You don’t have to unlock and finish all the 15 levels at once. You can always exit and continue later.

Happy matching!