Super Game Coloring


A learning colors game, Super Game Coloring, gives kids the chance to color in several different pictures through a colorful interface.

Students who practice coloring are proven to develop fine motor skills by moving a mouse, their finger or a digital stylus as they color in the picture. This learning colors game also promotes color recognition and artistic development. Keeping the colors withing the borders of the pictures and manipulating where each color goes is key to positive cognitive development.

Super Game Coloring is an ideal game for Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd Grade students.

Super Game Coloring is an enjoyable activity for kids to color pictures. Its an opportunity for them to explore different colors, express their creativity, and have fun.

How to play:

Start the Game: With the help of paint brush cursor tap on play.

Select Drawing: You will see multiple drawing options to choose from. Choose the one you want to color.

Color Selection: At the bottom, you will find all the colors of paint you will need to paint the drawing.

Painting Process: Choose the color you like by tapping on it. Then, move the brush to where you want to color in the drawing and tap again. That part will be filled with the color you chose.

Save Your Creation: Once finished, you can save your colored picture by selecting the second option on the left.


Explore Both Pages: There are two pages of the drawing to choose from. You will find the next page by clicking on the play button indicating to the right.

Background Filling: Don’t forget to fill the background of the drawing.

Restart Option: If you are not satisfied with the final picture, you can always restart by click on the clockwise open circle arrow (↻).

Enhancement Tip: To enhance the drawing, make sure you choose lighter colors for the background.

Saving Your Artwork: Save your colored pictures to learn from them and refine your coloring skills.

Happy coloring, Happy learning!