How Many?


How Many is one of the educational games for kindergartners that teaches counting. The fun game makes it easy for kids to count images and match them with numbers.

Students who practice matching images with numbers will improve number recognition by visually recognizing the numeric symbol. They will also work on counting skills by counting the individual images which promotes early math concepts.

How Many is an ideal game for Pre-K and Kindergarten students.

How many is a game that helps kindergartners learn how to count. Kids match pictures with numbers, which helps them recognize numbers and practice counting. Its a fun way for kids to learn basic math skills.

How to play:

Start The Game: Tap on “play” and the game will start immediately.

Count and Tap: Count the items and then tap on the correct number that matches the count.

Check Your Answers: After marking all four, tap on done to check if you did it right.

Next Level: Finally, tap “next” to move on to the next level.

Score Check: In the end, the scoreboard will appear on the screen. You can also keep track of your score between the game. It will be visible on top of the screen.

Replay If Needed: Replay to get all the answers correct. That will help you boost your memory.

Replay If Needed: Replay to get all the answers correct. That will help you boost your memory.


Take Your Time: Count each item carefully before selecting the number. It gets tricky as you move on to a new level.

Point and Count: Point at each item as you count to avoid missing any.

Practice Regularly: Keep practicing counting regularly to get better at it.

Have fun counting!